Talking Therapy
Hello, and welcome to my new blog.
It’s been in the planning for a while, and now my new website is up and running – if still something of a work in progress – I’m keen to be getting started with my posts. Mainly, it’s a blog for people who are in therapy, who are therapists themselves, and for anyone who’s interested in, or seriously considering, psychotherapy or counselling.
Because therapy is an important step and a big commitment – money-wise, time-wise, and effort-wise. In my posts I’m going to be talking about how therapy works, what it means to be a therapist, how it feels to be a client, and the results that can be achieved.
As a therapist, I’ve spent many years seeing the effect of therapy and counselling on my clients – individuals, couples, groups, and organisations. And I’ve experienced the impact of personal therapy on my own life. Being in therapy myself has been the most important touchstone in terms of my own personal and professional development and growth. It has changed – or rather, helped me change – everything.
I’m looking forward to sharing some of my thoughts and reflections, and also the sheer fascination I have for this subject that I am so immersed in. Just as human beings are endlessly complex and fascinating, so is the subject of therapy. Nevertheless, I expect from time to time I shall diverge from my main theme. I’m interested in all aspects of human life and expression, in the arts, in sacred myth and symbols, the psycho-spiritual. I’m a city dweller from birth who loves the country and the natural world, and all my life I’ve enjoyed encountering other cultures, other languages.
But, back to therapy. To be a psychotherapist is, to me, a high calling – and a privilege. The trust my clients place in me, and the work we do together, is something I value hugely; and to see the transformations that take place is the greatest reward imaginable.
So I dedicate this blog to them, my brave and adventurous clients; also, to my extraordinary and dedicated colleagues, who share the journey of study and training that takes so long and that we all come to realise will never end. And to you, who are just interested, or sceptical, or maybe a bit desperate and wondering if therapy could possibly help – in fact, especially you! Because once, I was in your position. Then I took the plunge, found a good therapist, and that was the opening – though I didn’t know it at the time – of a whole new chapter. And so it may be for you…